Rabu, 07 Maret 2007

Waiting for Viewbars ...

Banyak yang nanya, kapan sih Viewbar-nya bisa didownload? Katanya Maret?
Saya - seperti juga Anda para pemilik dan calon pemilik Agloco - terus terang tidak punya jawaban karena memang tidak terlibat langsung dalam persiapan teknisnya.
Tapi saya punya penjelasan untuk pertanyaan tersebut yang datang dari Brian Greenwald, salah seorang anggota AGLOCO Development Team. Dalam tulisannya di http://blog.agloco.com/ dia menjelaskan bahwa software engineer yang menangani soal Viewbar ini masih terus berkutat menyempurnakannya, dan belum bisa memberi kepastian tangga launching-nya.
Kabar baiknya, jumlah member Agloco di seluruh dunia saat ini melonjak 400% sejak paruh pertama bulan Januari lalu. Ini tentu juga berkat kerja keras semuanya, termasuk kita-kita yang ada di Indonesia.
Berikut, kutipan penjelasan Brian Greenwald:
A few weeks ago, I said on this blog, "The Viewbar is currently slated for a March release", and March 1st is now upon us (a couple of you were optimistic and hoped for a release on the first of the month). I know that the Viewbar will not be released in the first half of March. Our tech lead flew to Shanghai this morning to work directly with our six engineers there. I'll give you more of an update when I hear back from him.
The March target, and all the dates we have projected for the Viewbar release, have been based solely upon our Engineers' best estimates. I have asked our head techie for a firmer date, but he hasn't given one to me. If I press him, he can give me an estimate, but he cannot be sure. Anyone who has worked with software engineers knows that they don't like giving estimates because they know problems come up all the time in software development.
Meanwhile, we are in the midst of our fastest week of Member growth ever. Our daily Member signup rate has grown steadily and is now over 400% (4 times) higher now than it was in the first half of January.
This is an exciting time for AGLOCO. I will try to give steady updates in almost every post regarding Viewbar progress. Ultimately, a brief period of uncertainty shouldn't hurt the company nor you, the founding Members. We will continue to communicate the best information we have to keep an essential element of your trust intact.
Jadi? Ya sabar lah.. Sambil menunggu launching Viewbar, jangan lupa untuk terus bersama-sama mengembangkan network.
Ngomong-ngomong, sudah jadi member belum? Kalau belum, ya tinggal daftar aja di sini..
Gitu aja kok repot :-)

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