Jumat, 06 April 2007

Free Online Programs

Berikut ini adalah rangkuman dari beberapa program bisnis internet yang saya ikuti. Semuanya GRATIS!! Jika Anda ingin bergabung, silakan klik pada judul programnya.


AGLOCO ini gratis. Saat mendaftar, sebaiknya jangan gunakan alamat email di AOL, Comcast atau  Hotmail , karena ada kemungkinan Anda tidak akan menerima email konfirmasi.

Agloco membayar Anda hingga kedalaman 5 level berdasarkan penggunaan viewbar, maksimal 5 jam per bulan atau sekitar 10 menit per hari. Agloco juga membagikan saham perusahaan yang dibayar atas dasar komisi bulanan.  

Clix Sense

Gratis! ClixSense membayar Anda jika meng-klik iklan di member area. Selain itu, Anda bisa juga mengkonversi poin Anda menjadi kredit yang bisa digunakan untuk memasang iklan. ClixSense juga membayar Anda sebesar 10% dari keuntungan yang dikumpulkan oleh mereka yang menjadi sponsor Anda.

Traffic Digger

Sangat mudah dilakukan. Program viral advertising gratis yang sederhana. Dengan sistem iklan viral 6 level, Anda akan mendapatkan bayak pengunjung ke situs Anda. 

Salah satu penyedia layanan pertukaran traffic terbaik di Internet. Anda hanya perlu membaca iklan berbentuk teks dan tidak perlu surfing halaman situs web. Jumlah anggotanya luar biasa banyak.

Online sejak tahun 2000. Anda dibayar untuk membaca iklan. Anda tak perlu takut inbox Anda dipenuhi kiriman email mereka. Di member area ditawarkan berbagai program yang bisa menghasilkan uang. Dapatkan $5 langsung pada saat pendaftaran..

Benarkah ada rahasia dalam hal pemasaran online? Sebetulnya tidak ada. Yang ada adalah kurangnya pengetahuan mengenai hal itu. Traffic Wave Profits berbagi dengan Anda. Anda juga bisa mendapatkan penghasilan dari program ini.

Big Daddy Pays

Dapatkan keyword iklan gratis senilai $50. Simpan email yang mereka kirim setelah Anda mendaftar, karena di situ banyak hal penting,  seperti link untuklog in, link referral dll. 

Sebuah konsep unik dengan banyak hal yang ditawarkan. Dengan menjadi sponsor dari 3 member saja Anda akan mendapat banyak keuntungan.

Slash My Search

Membayar Anda hingga kedalaman 3 level... Keuntungan bisa mencapai $1,980 atau lebih per bulan. Anda juga bisa menjadi affiliate dari program ini.

Paid To Click

Hanya dengan meng-klik iklan di website mereka, Anda dibayar sebesar 1 dollar untuk 100 klik. Berguna untuk mengisi rekening e-gold Anda (mereka membayar hanya via e-gold atau PayPal).

Nah, siapa tahu ini bisa membantu kelancaran bisnis Anda. Selamat mencoba!

2 komentar:

Unknown mengatakan...


I have a Blog in English, where not only AGLOCO, we also try to update other online businesses, generally offered for free.
If you are interested in link exchange with my BLOG then pls visit and leave a comment in http://adsense-clickbank-online-money.blogspot.com/
Definitely this link exchange will help your english speaking viewers :)

Ass Lover mengatakan...

Here’s THE method to gain money on paypal :

"Secrets To A $100,000 Month"

This is the only Australian Pay Per Click (PPC) affiliate program which pays for each
click as well as for each submitted review, thus enabling you to earn more!

All you have to do is work a couple of hours a week.








X 100% FREE

X $100,000 + each month

Sounds too good to be true? Of course it does! But it is TRUE! You will and can
make $100,000 + a month with no calls, selling etc.

See what real visitors are saying.

Unlike other websites where it cost you money to join their wealth system.
This system is 100% FREE and legal. This isn't a pyramid scheme either. This is
just a 100% free and legit way to make millions a month. Also this system does
NOT require you to join any sites that require you to read emails to earn a measly
$0.01 each email. This website will show you how to make an ENORMOUS
$100,000 dollars each month!

All you have to do is follow the simple steps that i am about to give you. You will kick
your self in the head for not thinking of this your self!


Go here: http://www.productreview.com.au/?a_aid=2e15cecc to sign up at this affiliate
program. Any one worldwide can sign up for this program. You can find their affiliate
program at the very bottom of the home page. It will be one of the Grey links.
It should look like this...?

Please Note: Make sure you change the way you would like to get paid.
You can choose from: Bank Deposit, PayPal or Check(cheque).

This is how their affiliate system works:

You get $0.05 for every person that clicks on your affiliate link.

You also get $0.50 for every person that writes a review on their site.

Your probably thinking: How am i going to earn $100,000 + dollars if i only get $0.05 for
every person that clicks my link?Well thats where step 2 comes into place.


Welcome to Step Two of our program. Now lets continue where we left off. How are you
going to get $100,000 + a month if you only get $0.05 every time someone clicks on your
affiliate link. Lets think of how much clicks we are going to need in order to get
$100,000 each month.

$0.05 x 2,000,000 = $100,000

WOW! Thats a lot of clicks. Now... how are we going to get 2,000,000 clicks?

It's easy! I found two websites that guarantees that you will get 1,000,000 views each
month for FREE. With the 2 websites combined, you will get 2,000,000 visitors each month!
And guess what? IT WORKS!

These two website have allowed me to get 1,000,000 views every month.

Sign up at these to websites links:

Website #1: http://www.t2000ultra.com/?rid=52739

Website #2: http://www.FreeViral.com/?r=217096

#IMPORTANT# During the sign up process, they will ask you for your website url.
You MUST use your product reviews affiliate link! Or else, how are you going to get
one million visitors? Your affiliate link is the link that product reviews gave you.

See how simple my ultimate FREE wealth system is! All you have to do is promote 2 links
and you will be making thousands monthly!
Lets Calculate our income again: 2,000,000 x $0.05 = $100,000 THATS $100,000 A MONTH!

Happy money making.